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The most recent website posts:

  • F2022-59
    December 9, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to Justice. The applicant requested a review indicating that the time limit for responding to the access request under FOIP had expired and Justice had not provided a response. The Adjudicator ordered Justice to respond to the applicant’s access request as required by FOIP. Read More...
  • F2022-58
    December 9, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to Justice. The applicant requested a review indicating that the time limit for responding to the access request under FOIP had expired and Justice had not provided a response. The Adjudicator ordered Justice to respond to the applicant’s access request as required by FOIP. Read More...
  • H2022-08
    November 28, 2022
    An individual made a complaint alleging that two employees (affiliates) of Dr. Ateer (the custodian) accessed and/or disclosed her health information in contravention of HIA. The Adjudicator found that Dr. Ateer was not responsible for one employee’s access to the individual's health information via Netcare since the employee was not employed by him at the time of access. The Adjudicator found that the complainant’s speculation that the other employee might have accessed Netcare improperly did not warrant further inquiry. Read More...
  • F2022-57
    November 28, 2022
    The applicant made an access request for certain information to the Edmonton Police Service (EPS). The applicant indicated that the time limit for responding to the access request under the Act had expired. The Adjudicator found that EPS did not comply with section 11 of FOIP, but responded responded to the applicant during the inquiry. Read More...
  • F2022-56
    November 28, 2022
    In Order F2022-22, the Adjudicator ordered the University of Alberta to reconsider its discretion to withhold information responsive to an access request under sections 19 and 24(1) of FOIP. The University of Alberta reconsidered its discretion and elected not to release any further information. The applicant who made the access request requested a review of the University of Alberta’s reconsideration. The Adjudicator found that upon reconsideration, the University of Alberta properly exercised its discretion to withhold information under sections 19 and 24(1) of the Act. Read More...
  • F2022-55
    November 28, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to Public Safety and Emergency Services (PSES; then Justice and Solicitor General) . The applicant alleged that PSES failed to respond to her access request in time, as required under section 11 of FOIP. The Adjudicator ordered PSES to respond to the access request as required by the Act. Read More...
  • F2022-54
    November 15, 2022
    An individual made a complaint that employees of the Alberta Health Services' (AHS) 911 centre had accessed her schedule information for their own purposes, without authority under FOIP. In the processing of an access request, the complainant also raised concerns that her identity as a FOIP applicant was inappropriately disclosed. In her request for inquiry, the complainant raised a concern about the security measures taken by AHS to ensure that unauthorized access of scheduling information did not continue. The Adjudicator found that AHS made reasonable security arrangements to protect the complainant’s personal information as required by section 38 of FOIP.… Read More...
  • F2022-53
    November 15, 2022
    The applicant made three access requests to the Calgary Police Service (CPS) for records of named CPS officers that relate to the applicant. CPS informed the applicant that it did not locate records responsive to one of the requests. The Adjudicator found that CPS conducted an adequate search for records. Read More...
  • F2022-52
    November 15, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to the Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC). AHRC informed the applicant that it was extending its time to respond under section 14(1)(b) of FOIP. The applicant did not receive a response from AHRC within the time limit. The Adjudicator ordered AHRC to respond to the applicant’s access request as required by FOIP. Read More...
  • Joint Resolution: Digital ID (2022)
    October 24, 2022
    Ensuring the Right to Privacy and Transparency in the Digital Identity Ecosystem in Canada Resolution of the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Privacy Commissioners and Ombuds with responsibility for privacy oversight St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, September 20-21, 2022 Context A digital identity ecosystem¹ is emerging in Canada, powered by significant advances in information and mobile communications technologies. The development of this ecosystem is part of a global trend intended to enable individuals, businesses and devices to securely and efficiently connect with one another, confirm the identity of individuals using reliable information, and carry out transactions online and in person… Read More...
  • F2022-51
    October 21, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to the City of Lethbridge.The City of Lethbridge did not respond to the applicant within the time limits set out in FOIP. The Adjudicator ordered the City of Lethbridge to respond to the applicant’s access request. Read More...
  • F2022-50
    October 21, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to the City of Lethbridge.The City of Lethbridge did not respond to the applicant within the time limits set out in FOIP. The Adjudicator ordered the City of Lethbridge to respond to the applicant’s access request. Read More...
  • F2022-34
    October 17, 2022
    There was an application for judicial review on Order F2022-34. Read More...
  • F2022-RTD-07
    October 12, 2022
    Red Deer Public Schools requested authorization under section 55(1) of FOIP to disregard access requests made by an applicant. Red Deer Public Schools was not authorized to disregard the applicant’s access requests. Read More...
  • F2022-49
    October 12, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to Environment and Parks for “information related to flooding issues at my property and the information regarding the illegal and reported 'activities' of my 2 downstream neighbors”. The applicant included a related incident file number, as well as the names of the two neighbors referenced in the request. Environment and Parks provided responsive records but withheld some information under sections 17(1), 18, and 27(1) of FOIP. The Adjudicator found that Environment and Parks properly withheld personal information under section 17(1). The Adjudicator found that section 18(3) applied to the information withheld under that provision.… Read More...
  • F2022-48
    October 12, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to Health for information related to COVID-19 and public health measures related to COVID-19. Health did not respond to the applicant’s access request. The Adjudicator ordered Health to respond to the access request. Read More...
  • F2022-47
    October 12, 2022
    The applicant made a request to Health for emails sent to and from the email domain @pfizer.com. Health refused to respond to the access request on the basis that the applicant had not specified a subject for the search. The Adjudicator directed Health to respond to the applicant fully, accurately, and completely, as required by sections 10 and 11 of FOIP. Read More...
  • F2022-46
    October 12, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to Justice and Solicitor General (JSG) for records relating to training given to new registered nurses employed by Alberta Health Services working at two remand centres in Alberta. The request also asked for records that discuss or reference security clearances. JSG provided responsive records to the applicant, with information withheld under sections 17(1), 20(1) and 24(1) of FOIP. The Adjudicator accepted JSG’s applications of sections 20(1) and 24 to some information to which the exceptions were applied. However, the Adjudicator found that JSG did not consider all relevant factors in exercising its discretion to… Read More...
  • F2022-45
    October 12, 2022
    The applicant made a request to the City of Calgary for access to all information pertaining to himself, specifying the kinds of documents he was seeking, and the city departments he believed would have information. The City of Calgary responded to the applicant’s request by providing some records, withholding information under sections 17 (unreasonable invasion of privacy), 19 (confidential evaluations), 20 (disclosure harmful to law enforcement), 24(1)(a) (advice from officials), 24(1)(b) (consultations and deliberations) and 27(1) (privileged information) of FOIP. The Adjudicator found the City of Calgary conducted an adequate search for records as required by section 10. The Adjudicator found… Read More...
  • F2022-44
    October 12, 2022
    The applicant made an access request to Alberta Pensions Services Corporation (APSC) for information sent and received on her file during a specified period. APSC provided responsive records, with information withheld under sections 17, 24, and 27 of FOIP. The Adjudicator found that APSC properly applied section 17 to information in the records, but not section 24. The Adjudicator found that APSC properly applied sections 27(1)(a) and (c) in most cases, but ordered APSC to disclose some further information to the applicant. The Adjudicator found that APSC had authority to disclose the applicant’s personal information. Read More...